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Summer Festivals/Camps

Summer experiences are part of your training. This is the time you connect with students and professionals from other schools and regions. Factor the cost and time into your yearly plan.

Cormont Music (formerly Kendall Betts Horn Camp)  June 

New Hampshire

June each year, options of 1, 2 or 3 weeks.

High School/College/ Adult divisions

More info at

WSU Ensembles Camp  June

Pullman, WA Resident camp, day camp option

For high school students, 8 grade by permission.

Lessons and coaching with WSU faculty is included as well as large ensembles and electives: Concert band, string orchestra, concert choir, jazz band (auditioned), musical theatre, chamber music, conducting, film music class rock and roll class and more. . This is a resident camp. 

Interested students and parents can contact Danh Pham, director of bands, at

"Marrowstone" hosted by Seattle Youth Symphony

Day camp with performance trips

Video audition required in March

More info here

"Summer Sounds" hosted by Cascade Youth Symphony.  July and August 

Alderwood Community Church, Lynnwood, WA

Orchestra Day Camp, Monday-Friday, Concerts on Fridays at 1 pm and 7 pm

Brassapalooza Brass Day Camp,  North Seattle,  August​

Morning and afternoon sessions divided between HS and MS players


Vancouver (Washington) Symphony Orchestra Young Artists Concerto Competition

Through age 18. Due date for preliminary videos is usually in August

Music Fest Northwest (Spokane)

Festival in May. Registration deadline in March

Ages up to 29.

Bushell Competition (Seattle)

Competition in April. Applications due in March

Winner performs with the Seattle Philharmonic.

Ages 16 and up.

Young Artist Awards (Se​attle)

Video Submission due in March each year.

More info here

Northern Corner Chamber Orchestra Concerto Competition

Entrants submit video of a single concerto movement.

High School students, grades 9-12 in the upcoming school year .

Repertoire: Classical concerto movement

Video recording  (unaccompanied) due around August 1

More info at



Audition Cafe lists national and international postings

Seattle-area Non-paid Orchestras

Ensign Orchestra. Substitute horn

Rehearsals in Bellevue, Performances at Benaroya, Seattle

Auditions every fall for open positions.

Thalia Symphony.

Rehearsals: Tuesday eves. Roosevelt HS, performances, St. Stephen's Church, Seattle

Youth Symphonies

Seattle Youth Symphony

Auditions in August

Register at

Cascade Youth Symphony

Auditions in September

Register at

Aspen Music Festival and School

Aspen, Colorado July-August   

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